Contractor Solutions


Owner of Coastal Windows & Exteriors Named Massachusetts Small Business Person of the Year

Building a successful business from the ground up requires resilience, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Stephanie Vanderbilt, owner of Coastal Windows & Exteriors, went from operating a business from a small warehouse space to being named Massachusetts Small Business Person of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in 2024.

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What You Think Determines How You Sell

What are the images that come to mind when I say the word “salesperson”? How many of you would be quick to paint a negative picture by using unfavorable stereotypes such as “used car”, “slick”, “fast talker” or (worse) “liar”? If so, you better be careful because your negative perceptions may be affecting your sales effectiveness.

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What Goldilocks Teaches Us About Upselling

For those of you unfamiliar with the famous children’s story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears retells the story of a home invasion conducted by an unsupervised, hungry child. Over the course of her journey she finds herself faced with the need to make several choices. Which bed do I sleep in? Which chair do I sit in? Which bowl do I eat out of?

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The Rise of NextGen Restoration

Founded in 2015, NextGen Restoration has grown from a fledgling business into a beacon for excellence in the roofing industry. This post unfolds the journey of Josh Steinberger and NextGen Restoration—a story that not only inspires but also educates budding entrepreneurs.

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Top Reasons Salespeople Cut Their Price

Research suggests more than 60% of salespeople will cut their price if the prospect requests it – even if the prospect acknowledges the solution is better and worth more. Think about that. In our world, this equates to the prospect telling you they believe you’re the better choice and you deciding to give them a discount anyway.

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